When Faced with Crisis – 5 Ways We Can Center Gratitude to Build a Better World
Nov 15, 2023
Image source: Pexels
By Zaiba Hasan
Gratitude (shukr) holds profound significance in Islam, extending far beyond a fleeting sentiment. It forms the foundation of faith and serves as a transformative practice anchoring us, especially during challenging times. When faced with crises and the intricate dance between privilege and despair, the power of gratitude emerges as a beacon of spiritual mindfulness and emotional resilience.
How, then, do we, as Muslims blessed with faith and countless unseen blessings, harness this power to navigate the storms of life? When others around us are suffering unimaginable things, how can gratitude help us ground ourselves and serve others who need us?
Within the Holy Quran, the virtues of gratitude are extolled, and the sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (saw) abounds with lessons on the profound impact of a grateful heart. In my household, gratitude is interwoven into the fabric of our daily existence. It is an ongoing practice, not without imperfections, but one that we relentlessly pursue.
At the end of a challenging day, we ask ourselves: What valuable lessons lie within this experience that we can be grateful for? When a problematic conversation rattles us, we turn inward and reflect: How can we appreciate our own growth and evolution beyond this moment? When we are rendered incapacitated by grief at what is happening around us, how can the depth of our feelings and pain fuel us to change what is within our capacity to change?
Our personal journey underscores that gratitude is not merely a reactive emotion but a proactive strategy – a mental muscle that, when exercised, has the power to reshape the landscape of our brain chemistry for the better. As Muslims, we are fortunate that the concept of gratitude is not foreign to us; instead, it is deeply ingrained in the very essence of our faith. It’s not just about being thankful for what Allah (S) has given us or protected us from. It’s the doorway to so much more.
Gratitude is a profound virtue emphasized in Islamic teachings. Let's explore five strategies to cultivate this sense of gratitude.
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1. Keeping a gratitude journal (Al-Dhikr): As part of our daily remembrance (dhikr), we maintain a gratitude journal to document Allah's (S) blessings. Each entry serves as a testament to the countless favors bestowed upon us, from the air we breathe to the comfort of our homes and the warmth of our families.
This practice of journaling not only nurtures a deeper appreciation for life's blessings and fosters a positive mindset. Writing in a gratitude journal helps us to focus on the abundance in our lives, cultivating a sense of contentment and resilience against life's challenges. It's a simple yet powerful tool for enhancing our spiritual and emotional well-being.
At the end of a challenging day, we ask ourselves: What valuable lessons lie within this experience that we can be grateful for? When a problematic conversation rattles us, we turn inward and reflect: How can we appreciate our own growth and evolution beyond this moment? When we are rendered incapacitated by grief at what is happening around us, how can the depth of our feelings and pain fuel us to change what is within our capacity to change?
2. Expressing gratitude to others (shukr to Creation): Our Prophet Muhammad (saw) taught us that expressing gratitude towards people is an expression of gratitude towards Allah (S). Therefore, we make it a point to say JazakAllah Khair to show appreciation to others. This practice upholds the sunnah and strengthens the bonds within our community.
3. Finding gratitude in trials (sabr and shukr): True patience (sabr) entails having gratitude. It is a powerful reminder that even life's tests are enveloped in divine wisdom. We strive to emulate the patience and gratitude of the prophets, understanding that every hardship carries hidden blessings within. And we accept that when terrible things happen, things that make no sense to us, there is a divine mercy and wisdom beyond our understanding in this earthly life. Being grateful for that knowledge is truly something beautiful.
4. Practicing mindful gratitude (tafakkur and shukr): By engaging in mindful contemplation (tafakkur), we immerse ourselves in the present moment, recognizing the miracles surrounding us. Each miracle serves as a sign (ayat) of Allah's (S) benevolence, fueling our gratitude.
5. Giving back (sadaqah and shukr): Acts of charity (sadaqah) are tangible expressions of thankfulness and opportunities to share our blessings with others. We firmly believe that every act of kindness, regardless of its size, has the potential to create positive ripples within our community, thereby amplifying the spirit of gratitude. Especially in times of hardship and grief, when we feel powerless to change what is happening around us, we can express our appreciation by giving back to the communities in need in many ways.
Image source: Pexels
Incorporating gratitude into our daily lives is a powerful strategy that helps us nurture a profound sense of appreciation within ourselves. By embracing gratitude, we draw closer to our Creator and build a more compassionate world.
Gratitude can shift our perspectives, uplift our spirits, and create positive change in our community. It serves as a reminder that despite hardships, there are always glimmers of hope and countless reasons to be thankful and ways we can take that gratitude and harness it to enjoin good and forbid evil.
We strengthen our inner peace and contribute to the world's healing when we anchor ourselves with gratitude. Our gratitude becomes a quiet revolution against despair, a guiding light that leads us back to the grace of Allah (S), and a message that every moment, whether good or bad, holds an opportunity for us to grow closer to the Divine.
In the spirit of our Islamic teachings, let us all find solace in gratitude, allowing it to illuminate our paths and transform our trials into triumphs of faith. May we find strength in gratitude, using it as a vessel to navigate life's crises with resilience, compassion, and deep-seeded hope.
Until next time

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