So, who’s ready to travel? You may have travelled already or are planning a trip this summer. Perhaps it’s something big over the span of a week or more. Perhaps it’s a weekend jaunt somewhere, or something as special as finally seeing your family! Whatever it may be, we’ve done a little crowd-sourced research to find out the best ways to pack your hijabs for travel.
One could just toss their hijabs in a bag and stuff it into a suitcase, but who wants to roll up to your vacation with a wrinkled pile of hijabs? With a little planning and prep, there are some effective ways to neatly and tightly pack your hijabs to help minimize wrinkling and keep them fresh and ready to wear with (hopefully) minimal ironing. For those of us on the Haute Hijab team who wear hijab, we have our own methods, which we share with you below. We also asked you all via our social media pages what your tips are, and here’s what you had to say!
1. Roll your hijabs. Hands down, this was the most frequent piece of advice given by many of us here at HH and you all. Smooth out your hijab (or iron or steam them as needed), fold minimally lengthwise and tightly and smoothly roll.
2. Once your hijabs are rolled, pack them tightly in a gallon-sized ziploc bag. This way they are all in one place and easily accessible to you.
3. Another option is to reuse the plastic containers that bed sheets or bedding come in. One sister said she holds onto these types of plastic soft zippered pouches in which sheets are packed, and she reuses them in travel as a container for her rolled hijabs.
Who's itching to travel again? Image source: @hautehijab 4. Neatly fold your hijab or roll it and then tuck it inside the outfit you plan to wear it with. Noor, our marketing manager, swears by this method. She slides the hijab she plans to wear between the clothing of the outfit it will be worn with, and that way it's a complete set she can take out of her suitcase and wear without having to search for the right hijab.
Noor's second method is to keep everything hijab-related together: “I’ll pack my hijabs in a packing cube with all my pins, magnets and underscarves. This way it’s all in one location, and you’re not searching around for your hijab foundations.”
Another sister uses the same method: “I have multiple-sized packing cubes, and I keep the small one for hijabs - roll them up and put them next to each other, and once it’s zipped, they stay like that. For accessories like pins/clips/crunchies, I use zipper pouches for them.”
5. Roll your hijab around an article of clothing. One sister had this advice: “I iron them and let them cool down 100 percent and make sure there is no moisture left from the steam. Then I fold them and roll them, putting a sweater or something thick in the center of the roll. This makes them not wrinkle. Works for me all of the time.”
We hope these tips prove helpful to you when packing for your next trip! Honestly, the hardest part of hijab packing is usually picking out what hijab to wear with an outfit, and trying to pick materials (like chiffons or jerseys) that don’t wrinkle or need minimal ironing.
One last pro tip: Easily steam your hijab by hanging it up in the bathroom while you are taking a hot shower, and let the steam do all the work!
Be safe, and happy traveling!
How do you pack your hijabs when you travel? Share with us in the comments below!