GAP Features Haute Hijab in Their Summer 2017 Campaign!
Current Events
May 4, 2017
When Gap reached out to us about featuring one of our hijabs in their campaign, we were thrilled! It’s finally out, and we could not be more excited about the finished piece! 
Watch the video below:
A post shared by Gap (@gap) on May 2, 2017 at 3:02pm PDT
The campaign is titled, “I Am Gap, Portrait of an American Summer”, and it features a [Haute] Hijabi! Given today's political and social climate, Gap makes a bold statement with this video. The campaign acknowledges diversity and is yet another commercial that brings hijab into the mainstream!
(pssst- Want the scarf the model is wearing? Click below!) 
Gap’s commitment to inclusivity and diversity is nothing new. They dedicate a page on their website to break down everything they are doing as a company to foster inclusion. They state, "Diversity unlocks our innovation, helps attract and retain talent, and builds connections with our customers." We couldn't agree more.
In 2013, Gap featured a Sikh model in their holiday #MakeLove campaign, and when the ad was defamed, Gap responded with a message of solidarity and even changed their Twitter background to the picture of Ahluwalia (the Sikh model). Most recently, they made strides towards inclusivity by showing children that different is beautiful with their latest 11-year-old model, April, who has a skin condition called Vitiligo. April is featured in a video on Gap’s Facebook page saying,”Confidence is courage.” That’s a powerful message to send to young children.
Hybutalla, who was featured in the campaign.It is important for people to see relatable role models and models in the mainstream media. Diversity needs to be acknowledged and celebrated. While there is no doubt a lack of diversity in the fashion industry, things are slowly beginning to change. Gap joins other companies like CokeMicrosoft, H&M, and Honey Maid to name a few, who are featuring Muslim women wearing hijab in their commercials and showing their audience that the hijab is beautiful, it is normal, and it is here to stay.
Make sure you visit their Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram pages to tell them how happy you are to see a hijabi (wearing Haute Hijab) in their campaign! 
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