5 Ways This Muslim Mom Builds Off the Christmas Season to Instill Acts of Service
Dec 22, 2021
Image source: Any Lane from Pexels
By Zaiba Hasan
Contrary to popular belief, many Muslims LOVE the season of Christmas; at least THIS Muslim mama does. In fact, I am watching “A Christmas Prince” at this very moment and probably for the fifth time since Thanksgiving. The time of year is filled with catchy songs, magical decor, good cheer and fabulous food – how could anyone not feel swept away at such a glorious time?
When the world starts becoming darker (literally – daylight savings anyone?) and your surroundings light up around you, it’s hard not to get caught up in the wonder. However, this time of year can also be difficult as a Muslim parent. How do you explain to your five-year-old that (spoiler alert) Santa doesn’t really exist and will NOT be leaving presents for him, all the while begging him NOT to tell his kindergarten friends (and maybe even some of their parents) ? Bah-humbug!
Though we don’t celebrate Christmas, my family very much participates in the giving spirit of the Christmas season primarily through acts of service. Here are the five C’s of how you, as a Muslim mama, can have your children engage in acts of service this holiday season:
One of the major tenets of our faith is charity (zakat), and what better way to help build good cheer than by donating to a local charity? Each of my children picks a mitten off the “Share” tree at their school, and we purchase a gift for a local needy child. It’s heartbreaking to read that a lot of these children simply request basic essentials like coats, mittens and hats. Which is the perfect segue to …
Image source: Ron Lach from Pexels
I always remind my children that because their grandparents emigrated here a generation ago, they won the life lottery for that simple fact. My kids are blessed to be raised in a situation where they are able to practice their faith in the most holistic way possible – with freedom. But one of the downfalls of that is they tend to live in a bubble of their own creation. So when my child picks that green or red mitten off that school Christmas tree and it reads “local six-year-old requests a coat” instead of a toy, their eyes are opened to see that not everyone lives as they do.
Engagement in your local community, whether through giving or volunteering, is a way to create commonality and shared experiences with your neighbors. This inevitably breaks down walls of judgment and misunderstanding, and in breaking down those walls, we in turn can build a bridge of love for the common good of the community that, Insha’Allah, helps to better unite all members of all faiths.
The Messenger of Allah (saw) said, "He is not a believer who eats his fill while his neighbor beside him goes hungry." [Sahih Bukhari]
Image source: Pexels
There is no greater gift in life than the gift of time. Whether it is going to visit a local retirement community to sing carols, wrapping presents for kids in need or cooking meals for a homeless shelter, you can never go wrong by giving someone else your time. Now I know that some Muslims will say that singing carols is participating in Christian faith practices that are not our own. But another way I look at it is as an act of engaging in friendly, compassionate behavior. If you feel strongly about it, spend your time in another way with the elders at your local retirement community!
The added bonus of participating in these activities is the ability to spend that same time with your loved ones. Nothing makes my heart sing with happiness more than watching my kids think of someone other than themselves, even if it is for a short period of time.
It's a little-known fact that Isa (as), or Jesus, is a very important part of the Islamic faith. In fact, he is mentioned in the Quran indirectly 187 times and directly 25 times, and his mother Mary (or Mariam) 32 times. We Muslims LOVE Jesus (peace be upon him) and his mother Mary, though we don’t celebrate Christmas as a religious holiday in the ways that Christians do or believe the same things about the Prophet Isa (as). We build upon this season in our own way, and for our family that is by giving back to our local community.
In taking the time to read this I hope it inspires you and yours to give back during this holiday season. Regardless of how you approach the holiday season, may your days be merry and bright.
Until next time,
Zaiba Hasan is part of the dynamic duo behind the award-winning podcast, Mommying While Muslim. She is a spiritual parent coach at Emerge Parenting Solutions (launching January 2022), interfaith mediator and sports mama extraordinaire. Look for her on the baseball fields and basketball courts in the DMV (Washington, D.C.-Maryland-Virginia) area cheering from the sidelines.
How do you teach your children about volunteering, acts of service and giving back? Share with us in the comments below!
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