11 Challenges Converts Face After Becoming Muslim, and How We Can Help
Sep 22, 2022
Image source: Pexels; photo by mentatdgt
Family acceptance. Community acceptance. Loneliness. Feeling like others don't consider you a "real Muslim." These are just some of the challenges converts/reverts to Islam face when they become Muslim. Some of these things dissipate over time; others do not.
We asked our convert sisters to share with us their biggest challenges and concerns upon embracing. It is our hope that the more we acknowledge and recognize these problems, the more we can authentically try and do our part to help make things better. Here are 11 challenges converts face:
1. Not having friends or a community. (This was mentioned several times.)
2. Sometimes I feel like I don't fit in any of the two worlds (my pre-Islam life and my Muslim life). I don't go to the mosque because of that.
3. My family. They don't approve at all. (This article shares 8 tips for converts to Islam in dealing with disapproving non-Muslim family.)
4. Family acceptance, community acceptance and language barriers.
5. [It's hard] to study and learn Arabic and Quran and Islamic lessons. [There are only] online options. (Check out this article that lists out 6 programs that help converts and born-Muslims learn Arabic, how to read Quran, memorization and more.)
6. Prayer, wudu and not having any strong ties to the masjid. (There are numerous books, videos and other resources out there to help you learn how to perform salah and do wudu. This article discusses how to make it a better habit and develop a stronger connection with salah.)
7. Not offending my non-Muslim family/Islamophobic family.
8. People asking me about my nationality, and then what country my husband is from. (Like, what does that matter?)
9. I feel like I don't fit in anywhere; I always look out of place anywhere I am – here or abroad – because I'm white/hijabi.
10. Trying to learn as much as possible, trying to figure it all out (how to be a Muslim, how to practice Islam) but also have answers to other people's questions.
11. Non-slipping comfy undercaps, finding the right (hijab) style and best fabrics for myself. (Well, we've got you covered with ALL OF THAT with our social media, video and blog content here at Haute Hijab!)
Sisters – we are here for you at Haute Hijab in anyway possible. Please find us on our social media sites (Instagram | Facebook | Twitter), join our private Facebook HH Support Group, or reach out to us through email with any questions you have or anything we can help you with. Our HH team has women who are converts as well as born-Muslims, so we hope we can meet you where you are and help you find support.
Also, if you're a born Muslim, be sure to check out our blog writer Danah's guide on how we can be more supportive of converts/reverts in our community in real, authentic, meaningful and lasting ways. Sisters supporting sisters – that's the HH way :).
Let us know how we else can help what other stories our team here at The Haute Take can cover when it comes to convert concerns.
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