We're Donating a Portion of Proceeds From ALL Sales the Next 5 Days to ICNA Relief
May 19, 2020
Noor Suleiman
staff writer
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On the last Tuesday of every Ramadan (and usually through the end of the fasting month), it is our tradition as a company to hold a charity campaign in order to give back to our communities. For the past few Ramadans, we've donated hijabs to Muslim women's shelters across the U.S. that provide a safe haven to women who are displaced due to domestic abuse, homelessness – a cause that is very dear to us.
In the same spirit, we've also regularly donated a portion of the proceeds from the sale of our Haute Hijab Tote Bags (since they debuted last May) to ICNA Relief USA Women's Transitional Housing Program. 
This Ramadan, we're proud to add to our partnership with ICNA Relief by donating a portion of proceeds made off of all sales today (Tuesday) through Saturday, May 23rd to their Transitional Housing Program.  
One of the homes that is part of ICNA Relief USA's Women's Transitional Housing program.
According to their website
ICNA Relief offers an alternative for homeless women in need of temporary sleeping accommodations. ICNA Relief maintains the dignity of their clients while affording them the opportunity to heal and develop themselves within a nurturing environment. Women are provided with one-on-one support while they transition to permanent stable housing. Many of the women who come to ICNA Relief have experienced either emotional or physical abuse as well as neglect. Many are underemployed or unable to obtain affordable housing. ICNA Relief offers them the opportunity to heal while they work towards obtaining the ultimate goal of self-sufficiency.
They now have 22 homes (with 14 of them functioning, while others were either in the middle of opening up before the coronavirus global pandemic took over or are currently under construction). 
Where Your Proceeds Will Go
The transitional housing facilities are funded mostly through donations. Once a facility opens and runs for enough time that it has a track record, ICNA Relief can apply for grants. Even then, each facility has expenses that include utilities, facility expenses (furniture, appliances, bedding, etc), food, hygiene products, counseling fees, medical fees, staffing and more.
You can learn more about the services they provide and make your own donation to the ICNA Relief Women's Transitional Housing Program here. Thank you for helping us to support the program through your shopping dollars!
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